
TV Audience Grows As Out Of Home Viewers Counted

TV Audience Grows As Out Of Home Viewers Counted

The average quarter-hour TV audience in the US increases by 4% when out of home viewing is included, says a new report from The Total TV Audience Monitor.

The study is designed to capture all TV viewing no matter where it takes place. Out of home viewing figures can be difficult to capture, as this is defined as any viewing taking place outside the main home, such as colleges, hotels and pubs.

The reports says that 36.3 million viewers in the US, aged 18+, watch broadcast networks and/or cable networks in unmeasured, out of home locations each week. The elusive 18-34 audience made up 59% of this, whereas it only accounts for 22% of in home viewers.

Many advertisers have discounted the value of television viewing outside the home, claiming it is not valuable because it’s mostly people watching TV over other people’s shoulders in a crowded bar, but in fact, the report says that the highest proportion of viewing is in situations ‘comparable to a home environment and conducive to advertising’.

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