
Magazine Publishers Secure Print And Web Ad Deals

Magazine Publishers Secure Print And Web Ad Deals

Almost two thirds of consumer magazine publishers have managed to create advertising and sponsorship packages that span their print and website publications, according to a survey by the International Federation of the Periodical Press (FIPP).

The Routes To Success For Consumer Magazine Websites survey found that 65% of publishers had secured these kind of cross-media advertising deals. Whilst most of the mixed media packages took the form of discounts on website advertising for print advertisers, 53% of respondents had gained new advertisers online which did not use the print products.

Online-only advertisers were thought to be attracted to the internet’s relatively low costs, its interactivity and accountability, and the ability to insert direct links to the advertisers’ websites.

The survey found that the most common objective of a print-brand website – cited by 92% of publishers – is to attract new readers to the print magazine. Equally, though, 81% said that the website’s objective is to expand readership beyond the print audience by creating a new, online audience.

The more successful sites recorded growth equivalent to at least 20% of the print audience in new web-based audiences, according to FIPP. These readers were said to be attracted to five key elements of a website: the provision of up-to-date news; the capacity to store and access large amounts of information; the interactive feedback, with forums and votes; the interactive entertainment and the availability of editorial content not included in the print products.

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