
Cinema Admission To Reach

Cinema Admission To Reach

UK cinema admissions are predicted to reach 148m during 2001, an increase of 4% year on year, according to the latest figures from the Cinema Advertising Association. Revenue for the medium is also on the increase, pushed by a more adult and female orientated film product.

Admissions rose by 3% in the first quarter, compared to 2000. Ad revenue was up 113% in January, 18% in February and 53% during March, with brands including Orange, Renault and Tchae Tea amongst the biggest spenders. Debbie Chalet, president of the CAA, said: “2001 has seen a greater variety of films and cinema admissions have had an encouraging start to the year. The blockbusters this year will be later in the year with Artificial Intelligence, Tomb Raider, Pearl Harbour, Planet of the Apes, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.”

Admissions for March were down, however, at 10m, an average of 2.26 million admissions a week and a fall of 6.6% compared to last year. This is largely down to the huge success of the first quarter of 2000 when three of the top ten grossing films were released.

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