
68% of US households play computer or video games

68% of US households play computer or video games

Sixty-eight percent of American households play computer or video games, according to new research from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), which represents US computer and video game publishers.

The number of households playing games increased 3% over 2008, illustrating the expanding use of entertainment software across all demographics, said the ESA.

Michael Gallagher, ESA CEO, said: “This is the new golden age of entertainment software. Our products are now being enjoyed by over two-thirds of Americans.

“As the findings of the 2009 Essential Facts illustrate, more and more Americans across all demographics are now embracing the interactive entertainment experience that computer and video games provide.”

The survey also found:

  • 42% of American homes have a video game console
  • The average game player is 35 years old
  • 77% percent of parents believe that the parental controls available in all recent video game consoles are useful
  • 43% percent of online game players are female.

Earlier this year, comScore research revealed that the online gaming site category in the US grew 27% year on year to 86 million visitors in December 2008, while the total time spent playing PC-based online games jumped 42% (see Growth in US online gaming).

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