
Watch: Don’t be afraid of global players, says RTL AdAlliance boss

Watch: Don’t be afraid of global players, says RTL AdAlliance boss
Cannes Lions 2024 | Partner Content

European broadcasters should “not be afraid” of global players and they need to simplify and collaborate, according to Stéphane Coruble, CEO of RTL AdAlliance.

With Europe encompassing multiple markets, languages and ways of consuming media, Coruble stressed the importance of RTL AdAlliance working together amid “huge levels of fragmentation”.

He told The Media Leader: “It’s very important today in a globalised world to be able to combine those ‘local heroes’ in a pan-European offer that we can provide to the clients or to the agencies.

“Is there an opportunity to consolidate more? I’m a true believer of that. But you need to convince your daily competitor on the local markets to team up and have a broader and stronger offer on a pan-European level, and that’s what we’re trying to do.”

This is why he has two messages for advertisers and agencies. First, “simplification is the way forward, in terms of execution and technology”.

Secondly, collaboration is crucial. Coruble said: “It’s really clear for our iconic industry to collaborate more and to stand out and not to be afraid by global players.”

This collaboration also extends to measurement, with RTL AdAlliance keen to work with joint industry currencies. Coruble explained: “We’re full-screen, we’re long-form type of content, we are very premium — this is what we want to measure.

“We don’t want to be measured against content which is not at that level, we don’t want to compare apples and oranges.”

During the conversation with The Media Leader, Coruble also highlighted effectiveness in European broadcaster content, the success of new streaming platforms such as TF1+ and M6+ and why young people are still consuming their content.

You can watch the full interview here:

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