
TV Round-Up – April

TV Round-Up – April

As with last month, most of ITV’s audiences showed an increase in impacts year on year for April. The biggest increase was with Housewives/Children which increased 5.8%. Overall for ITV Adults impacts were up 1.6%. By contrast Channel 4 has lost impacts in all categories bar Men which was up 5.2%.

CPTs for ITV were up year on year for all audiences. Housewives’ CPTs showed the greatest increase up 19.4%. Channel 4 faces even greater increases in CPTs, particularly for Women. Channel 5 is becoming cheaper with all but Housewives/Children showing a drop in CPTs year on year.

ITV faired slightly worse than BBC1 for April year on year with its share of viewing falling by 1.8% points, compared to a loss for BBC1 of 1.5% points. BBC2 managed a slight increase and Channel 4 suffered a slight loss. Both Channel 5 and the cable/satellite channels increased their share.

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