
Teads: ‘spray and pray’ media is totally irresponsible

Teads: ‘spray and pray’ media is totally irresponsible
The Media Leader TV

There needs to be a “reset” in how advertising approaches sustainable digital media, Justin Taylor, UK managing director at Teads has said.

Sustainable media is not just about greenhouse gas emissions, and digital media could be contributing as much as the airline industry, but also how it approaches quality media and targeting.

Taylor called for more of a focus on understanding what the industry measures in terms of emissions, how it is measured, as well as a shift away from offsetting to reduction and interruptive ads that are not relevant to end users.

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He explained: “Advertising is best when you choose to watch it, that’s where you get the highest attention and that’s where you get the most response to it as well, so making sure we are in the right areas, in the right context, in the right environments, with the ad that the user chooses, that to me is moving down that very sustainable media front.”

When speaking about how sustainable, responsible and ethical media intertwine, Taylor described “spray and pray” or quantity over quality media approaches as “totally irresponsible” as it can be damaging to the brand, and increase greenhouse gas emissions for that campaign, which is “a lose-lose scenario”.

“As an industry we need to make our media sustainable now, not just from a point of view of greenhouse gas emissions, but about how we are targeting and how we are approaching because that’s the only way we are going to look to grow our business in the future.”

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