
T-Mobile to launch ad-funded mobile gaming

T-Mobile to launch ad-funded mobile gaming

T-Mobile Logo T-Mobile is to become the first mobile operator in the UK to offer free ad-funded games.

Customers can access at least one new game per week by joining T-Mobile’s Game Club. The first free game available to consumers is Poker Million II, which is funded by advertisers including Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, from Paramount Pictures.

In exchange for watching two full-screen, targeted adverts before starting the game and two adverts after the game has finished, customers get the game for free.

Users will not be charged for the data required for downloading the game or accessing the adverts. The interstitial adverts are interactive and enable the user to visit an advertiser’s mobile site or click to call or text the advertiser. There will be no limitations on the number of games that can be downloaded or how many times each game can be played.

Digistores, the digital ad-funded entertainment firm, will host and manage the content and new games will be made available each week. Digistores’ service will only offer customers games that are compatible with their particular handsets and can automatically detect the games that will work on individual devices.

Zac Stephenson, communications director at ad agency Mediaedge:cia, said:”Digistores offered us the opportunity to associate with free, quality gaming content delivered directly to a mobile audience. As mobile phones continue to assume greater roles as entertainment delivery devices, it’s important for Paramount to remain at the forefront of new developments such as this.”

The games are available to customers who subscribe to T-Mobile’s web’n’walk service.

T-Mobile: www.t-mobile.co.uk

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