
Spectator Business to become monthly title

Spectator Business to become monthly title

Spectator Business

The Spectator is planning to relaunch its Spectator Business magazine as a monthly publication, starting from October this year.

When Spectator Business was launched in 2008, it was originally released as a monthly magazine; but the frequency of the title was reduced down to quarterly in April last year.

However, it has now been announced that the magazine will be released on a monthly basis again, and will be called Spectator Business Monthly. The magazine will also have a new look, and new content.

The publication previously had a controlled circulation of 30,000, and was free to London business people. From October, it will be trialled on WHSmith travel news stands in the City, with 9,000 available free with copies of The Spectator.

Ben Greenish, the managing director of Press Holdings, said: “It is a magazine for business people about business, so it will be more pacy and less focused on issues such as tax, more on people.”

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