
Samsung Ads launches its answer to ‘break down silos’ in TV and streaming

Samsung Ads launches its answer to ‘break down silos’ in TV and streaming

Samsung Ads has launched a tool in the UK to give advertisers and agencies insights into both audiences reached and not reached in campaigns to help optimise future TV investment.

The Insights Planner not only shows how many audiences a linear TV campaign did reach, but also provides a breakdown of how many it did not, with information like demographic make-up, how they spend their time on TV, which apps they use, when they watch TV and more.

Minai Bui, director of product marketing in Europe, at Samsung Ads told The Media Leader the tool was developed in response to two themes they were “consistently hearing” from agencies and advertisers as viewership behaviours increasingly shift, and the TV ecosystem becomes more fragmented.

The first theme was the need for “a more holistic approach to TV planning” to help address that fragmentation and “break down the silos” between traditional linear TV and streaming environments.

The second theme was that a lot of current TV measurement solutions “only allow” advertisers and agencies to understand which audiences they were able to reach with a linear TV campaign.

Bui said that only understanding who was reached in a campaign “is not really enough”, and brands had approached Samsung Ads to ask for help understanding who was not reached or exposed so they could plan future campaigns and leverage connected TV (CTV).

The lack of visibility and data “often limited” brands from being able to optimise TV investments, she remarked.

Competitor analysis and better CTV targeting

In beta testing, a UK retail giant was able to examine how much of their target audience was exposed to their campaigns, as well as their competitors, during Q4. This helped shape future CTV strategy and look at share of voice from a total TV perspective.

A global alcoholic beverage brand also used the tool to better target a niche audience of young, affluent consumers living in metropolitan areas.

Another large UK CPG brand found the type of content its target audience was “over-indexing in” through using the Insights Planner, to find additional opportunities on top of its existing TV strategy.

Agnostic and complementary

The tool uses deterministic dataset based on first-party and automatic content recognition (ACR) data from the Samsung universe in the UK which is around 9.5 million TVs or 30% of the market, combined with additional third-party data from companies like Experian.

The deterministic dataset was an important element as it does not rely on someone to remember what they watched, but uses viewing data directly from TV set.

Bui hoped that this tool would give “an agnostic view of what’s happening” and “bridge silos across the TV landscape”.

She said: “We’re not saying that this is a tool that that will solve it all, but I think it’s a great tool to use as a complementary to what everyone’s already doing.”

Samsung Ads is planning a launch of the tool in Germany in the next quarter, with other European markets to follow after.

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