
Read all about it 3: Results from 31 July

Read all about it 3: Results from 31 July

Paper Boy

Paper Boy – the irreverent insider

According to our estimates for 31 July (for Sunday Popular and Mid-Market titles), the market is now down nearly half a million copies from June’s ABC figure.

The first Sunday after the News of the World‘s demise saw sales rise by 100,000 but each subsequent week has seen sales slip – the latest estimates (for 31 July) show that the Sunday market is down 280,000 on the previous week.

However, the Sunday Mirror is holding reasonably firm at just under two million copies. The other Trinity Mirror Group publication, The People, has also seen consistent sales since the shutting of NotW.

Meanwhile, the Mail on Sunday has dropped back over the last few weeks, as has the Daily Star Sunday.

Source: MediaTel estimates

Source: ABC

June Share 17th July Share 24th July Share Variance on June Variance % Share Movement 31st July Share Variance on June Variance on 24th July
Total 7,003,020 100.0 7,100,000 100.0 6,800,000 100.0 -203,020 -2.9 0.0 6,520,000 100.0 -483,020 -280,000
News of the World 2,667,428 38.1 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 -2,667,428 -100.0 -38.1 n/a 0.0 -2,667,428 n/a
Mail on Sunday 1,927,791 27.5 2,600,000 36.6 2,400,000 35.3 472,209 24.5 7.8 2,190,000 33.6 262,209 -210,000
Sunday Mirror 1,087,796 15.5 1,900,000 26.8 2,000,000 29.4 912,204 83.9 13.9 1,950,000 29.9 862,204 -50,000
Sunday Express 539,478 7.7 700,000 9.9 700,000 10.3 160,522 29.8 2.6 710,000 10.9 170,522 10,000
People 474,549 6.8 900,000 12.7 900,000 13.2 425,451 89.7 6.5 940,000 14.4 465,451 40,000
Daily Star on Sunday 305,978 4.4 1,000,000 14.1 800,000 11.8 494,022 161.5 7.4 730,000 11.2 424,022 -70,000

Source: ABC June 2011 / MediaTel estimates

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