
Radio Fights Back – Rajar

Radio Fights Back – Rajar

Rajar director, Roger Gane, reviewed some of the issues concerned in the methodology of the new survey at yesterday’s Radio Fights Back conference. He began by emphasising that for the first time there is now an ‘agreed currency’ for the industry.

While Rajar does have a number of characteristics in common with the old survey, Jicrar, there are several differences/improvements. Measurement for the new survey covers the whole of the UK, is continuous and involves all stations. Rajar insists that all services report individually even if they also report as part of a group. Previously services often only reported as part of a group. The survey comprises 120,000 diaries each year monitoring 150 different services.

Gane then focussed on some of the Rajar results illustrating the effect of choice and number of stations on listening habits.

Cumbria Birm. Manch. Lndn
Stns Listed 8 15 16 39
In area
Hrs/Head 17.7 18.9 18.4 20.5
Ave Stns 1.75 1.99 2 2.23
Commercial 18% 33% 45% 53%

Source: Rajar 4th Quarter’92

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