
Podcast: Why brands and agencies need to get educated on gaming, with Venatus CEO Rob Gay

Podcast: Why brands and agencies need to get educated on gaming, with Venatus CEO Rob Gay

What has made gaming so hard for marketers to crack?

According to Rob Gay, the CEO of gaming adtech company Venatus, agencies and brands still need to get better educated about the burgeoning medium.

Gay spoke with Jack Benjamin at last month’s Future of Gaming event in London about the different options brands have to speak to gamers, including in-game advertising, next-to-the-game advertising, and around-the-game advertising.

He told the crowd that he would rather start small and do gaming advertising right and then build up to larger budgets, as opposed to starting with a big, risky activation that could sour brands off of gaming altogether if it fails.

“If it doesn’t work, we’re all burnt. If one gaming advertising company burns them in mobile or burns them in console, they’re burnt for gaming. […] We need brands to trust the environment they’re going into.”

A write-up of the key takeaways from Gay and the rest of the Future of Gaming delegates was published previously.

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This episode was edited by our production partner Trisonic.

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