
Marie Claire launches new distribution channel

Marie Claire launches new distribution channel

Marie Claire is using its beauty business – Fabled by Marie Claire – to bring new readers to the magazine during 2017.

Fabled is a beauty and wellness store drawing on Marie Claire’s expertise in the beauty industry. From this week the business’ customers will receive a free copy of the monthly magazine when they purchase an item either online or in store.

The move aims to expose the magazine to a “highly targeted audience” and will also enhance the store’s consumer offering.

With the latest ABC figures showing that Marie Claire’s circulation was down by almost -13% year-on-year, it is hoped the new distribution model will help reverse the decline.

“Fabled by Marie Claire is attracting premium beauty fans across the country,” said Justine Southall, Time Inc. UK’s managing director, Marie Claire’s publisher. “Getting the magazine into their hands while they are in the Fabled by Marie Claire environment is a fantastic marketing opportunity for our print product.”

“This is an intelligent distribution strategy for Marie Claire that will ensure a highly relevant audience for our commercial partners.”

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