
ITC Broadband Cable Figures Released

ITC Broadband Cable Figures Released

The Independent Television Commission has just released the latest figures for subscribers to broadband cable, claiming a rise of 168,000 in the last twelve months to 459,000. The take-up rate has also increased during this period, rising from 20.5% to 21.6% in the last quarter.

The average broadband cable subscriber now pays £21.74 per month, according to the statistics, an increase of £1.11 on last year. The rise is being accredited to Sky Sports changing to subscription in September 1992. Annualised gross revenue from broadband cable TV has been calculated at £102m net for the 12 months, not including revenue from telecommunications services.

Apr93 Apr-92
Number of op. franchises 58 51
Broadband homes passed 2,127,895 1,419,310
Broadband homes connected 458,000 291,419
Average pene. 21.60% 20.50%
Pay/basic ratio* 165% 121%

* Pay/basic ratio is a measure of the number of subscriptions to the pay channels as a percentage of total subscribers

Source: ITC – 071 824 7743

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