
Industry Reacts To ITC Minutage Decision

Industry Reacts To ITC Minutage Decision

ISBA has said that it is “disappointed” with the ITC’s decision not to extend the amount of advertising minutage on commercial TV (see ITC Rejects Extra Minutage Proposal).

In a statement ISBA says that the broadcasters’ responses, which argued against an increase, were “overly-influenced by short-termism” and that these companies will “actually soon start to seek the very same relaxations” which it has been calling for. ISBA says that it is now considering its next steps.

Bob Wootton, director of media services at ISBA, told Newsline that he would not be drawn on what these steps could constitute. He went on to say that the body will sit down with its members over the next few weeks to consider a “number of options.”

John Raad, director for media affairs at the IPA, echoed ISBA’s sentiments by saying that he regretted the ITC’s decision.

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