
BARB Bulletin: Astra Panel Universes

BARB Bulletin: Astra Panel Universes

The latest BARB bulletin announces that from the week ending 23rd June 1991 the basis for estimating Astra universes has been changed.

Using the first tranche of the 1991 Establishment Survey (instead of the National Readership Survey) for estimating penetration of satellite reception equipment, means that all BARB universe estimates will be from the same single source.

The main change is a reduction of Astra dish homes (by about 100,000) but this is partly compensated for by a higher cable estimate.


Astra Dish 1218 1315
Cable 413 345
Total Universe 1631 (7.4% 1660
TV Homes)

The universe includes cable homes receiving two or more Astra channels and excludes BSB dish homes and SMATV homes, which are to be included in the 1991 system.The figures are projections from lagged data.

BARB have also calculated universes for cable and satellite homes not on theAstra panel. The figures have not been published before but BARB claim they have been around the same level since the beginning of the year: ‘000 Homes BSB Dish 156 Cable receiving less than 2 Astra Channels 120 SMATV 87 (45 received 2+) Total 363

Therefore, BARB’s total cable and dish penetration is 1,964,000 homes (8.9% of TV homes).

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