
Zuckerberg talks mobile advertising…

Zuckerberg talks mobile advertising…

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Over 200 million Facebook users now access the social network from a mobile device (around 40% of its total audience base). However, Facebook has yet to monetise its growing mobile audience.

Despite being twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, said in the short term there is “no pressing need” for the company to monetise its mobile audience.

“We only want to launch stuff that we think is really good and that can be a stable building block for us in the future,” he said. “And I think we just need to see what makes sense for mobile advertising.”

“I think actually in a lot of ways we benefit from waiting and seeing what more people do in this space. Our goal is going to be to expand [our audience] and deliver more value for more people before focusing on how we can reap that.”

Facebook might be taking a back seat for now, but it is investing in the mobile space with its location-based Deals platform and its recent acquisition of Rel8tion – a start-up creating technologies to help improve the relevance of mobile ads, so watch this space!

Read the full ClickZ article here.

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