
No easy fixes, but the right tools will help bridge your leadership gap

No easy fixes, but the right tools will help bridge your leadership gap

To bridge the leadership gap in advertising and marketing, organisations must adopt a multi-faceted approach.

A phenomenon that has been subtly brewing beneath the surface but is now undeniably apparent is the “leadership gap.”

This gap, characterised by a noticeable loss of senior talent and expertise, has impacted not only agencies but the entire industry.

However, amid the challenges lie opportunities for growth and renewal.

The ‘Brain Drain’ phenomenon

Over the past year, there has been a marketing ‘brain drain.’

In the face of economic pressures, many companies have had to restructure, and inevitably the more senior folk will make the biggest material difference to a business’ P&L.

There has also been a huge chunk of people that have chosen to exit corporate life, in search of something different — be this wanting to be their own boss, away from office politics or simply looking for a better work-life balance.

That’s because success is no longer measured only by status and money. Wellbeing is important, too.

The two generations most affected by lockdown were Millennials and GenX. Millennials cooped up in their one-bed rentals wondering what they were doing with their lives and GenX suddenly spending time at home after the past 20-30 years at the office with early mornings and late nights, and realised they’d missed out.

The industry has experienced a loss of senior talent and seasoned experts who have played pivotal roles in shaping the advertising and marketing landscape. This sudden departure of wisdom and experience raises concerns about the ability to maintain industry standards through the benefit of experience and wider business acumen.

Promoting from within

While the departure of senior leaders is undoubtedly a loss, it has also paved the way for a positive shift in the industry’s dynamics.

Many organisations have embraced the principle of “promote from within” and are increasingly looking to nurture and empower junior talents. This approach not only provides opportunities for fresh perspectives but also strengthens the foundation for long-term growth and innovation.

The need for support

However, promoting junior talents alone is not sufficient. To thrive in their new roles and to effectively contribute to the industry, these emerging leaders require robust support systems.

Yet leadership time has never been more at a premium.

The demands of the industry leave little room for senior leaders to dedicate the necessary time for team guidance, skill development, and career mentoring.

Delivering on projects

In the high-pressure environment of advertising and marketing, teams need guidance and support to deliver on complex projects. The shortage of leadership resources can hinder the successful execution of campaigns, potentially impacting the quality of work.

Upskilling for growth

The ever-evolving digital landscape demands continuous upskilling.

Junior talents need guidance and support acquired by more senior colleagues to embed these new growth capabilities and stay ahead in an industry that is constantly evolving.

On-the-job coaching and mentoring

This is perhaps the most critical element in career development.

The transfer of knowledge, skills, and industry wisdom from senior leaders to junior talents is invaluable. However, the leadership gap has made this vital aspect of career growth a rarity.

Closing the Leadership Gap

To bridge the leadership gap in advertising and marketing, organisations must adopt a multi-faceted approach.

Investment in leadership development programmes
Companies should prioritise leadership development programs that target both junior and mid-level talents. These programs can provide the necessary skills, mentorship, and support to help emerging leaders thrive.

Focus on the important and strategic
Use key projects as an opportunity for knowledge exchange, upskilling and on the job coaching and mentoring. Where resources are scarce, and projects have stalled, think about bringing in an external consultant for fresh perspective, expertise and energy.

Embrace technology
Leverage technology and automation to streamline routine tasks, allowing senior leaders more time for mentoring and strategic guidance.

Building a culture of learning
Foster a culture of continuous learning within the organisation. Encourage all team members to stay updated with industry trends and acquire new skills.

 Rachel Forde is co-founder of TheZoo.London, an independent consultant marketplace, and was formerly CEO of media agency UM UK.

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