
From the couch to the car: Understanding evolving entertainment consumption

From the couch to the car: Understanding evolving entertainment consumption
Partner Content

With entertainment on the move, it’s time to optimise — and monetise — engagement from consumers at home and on the road.

We all know entertainment is not stationary. It hasn’t been for years. Between phones, tablets and laptops, people have been taking their favourite shows and movies with them wherever and whenever they travel. And now, as cars have got smarter and screens in them have got bigger, more and more people are starting to watch their favourite content in their cars too.

Historically, at TiVo, we have been at the cutting edge of understanding how audiences are watching content on their TVs in the comfort of their own homes. Today, we’re looking to shift this understanding into a new gear to comprehend the linkage between the home and automobile.

These are two unique spaces representing two very personal areas of a consumer’s life. As such, there’s a wealth of information between these two experiences that we feel will help the advertising community better understand consumer awareness and intent.

Improving user experience

That’s why we’re so excited about TiVo One, our recently launched ad platform. TiVo One is a cross-screen marketing solution that can analyse customer attribution across channels and devices, from smart TVs to the connected car.

Analysing how consumers enjoy media on these platforms will allow brands to gain valuable insights into which devices and platforms drive maximum engagement. This, in turn, means campaigns and strategies can be adapted as necessary to help brands optimise their ad campaigns for the spaces and ways they’ll be seen, including streaming, internet protocol TV, smart TV and in the car.

And the more campaigns are optimised, the better the user experience will be, by bringing tailored ad messages at the right time of the day and in the right environment.

People only mind mindless advertising

Speaking of ads, there’s this perception that consumers really don’t like them. Our research has shown the opposite: people are actually willing to tolerate ads. In fact, according to our 2023 Video Trends Report, 62.8% of consumers expressed a high tolerance for ads.

But those ads need to be relevant to them and today many smart TV interfaces prioritise ads that are irrelevant — something that hinders the user experience.

At TiVo, we’re dedicated to creating an experience that puts the user at the centre. As such, we recently rolled out our TiVo OS platform, across trusted brands like Bush, Telefunken and JVC. The central focus of TiVo OS is on continuing the tradition of an intuitive user interface that makes it easier for consumers to discover, watch and manage content.

Adding on TiVo One, partners can ensure that there will be a balance of personalisation with targeted and relevant ad placements, keeping to the promise of a seamless user experience that puts the consumer at the centre.

TiVo is also present in the automotive sector with our DTS AutoStage Video Service Powered by TiVo, which is driving new consumption opportunities for consumers outside the home. The growth of streaming in and out of the home showcases why it’s pivotal for advertisers to search for cross-screen opportunities to better target and optimise for their audiences.

While it remains important to advertise correctly on smart TVs, the streaming experience doesn’t end there and advertisers need to be mindful of where the next meaningful touchpoint may be.

The difference the device makes

One thing we need to remember is the car is not the living room, so we shouldn’t try to mimic that particular experience.

What people want to watch while charging or idling or waiting for traffic to die down is different from what they watch with more time on their hands at home. For example, a driver probably won’t watch a 90-minute documentary about Julia Child, but they could certainly consume a quick recipe video about what to make for dinner that night.

One of the benefits of working with TiVo and the TiVo One ad platform is the ability to use advanced measurements to track, analyse and optimise campaigns in real time, offering advertisers actionable insights to fine-tune their strategy for maximum return on investment.

The uniqueness of an in-car video experience versus that of a home theatre is something everyone needs to consider. One-size-fits-all advertising doesn’t work in traditional media and definitely won’t work with media on the go.

Christopher Kleinschmidt squareChris Kleinschmidt is vice-president of connected TV advertising sales at Xperi, responsible for the monetisation of TiVo OS across EMEA.   

Kleinschmidt has been working in global digital video sales for nearly 15 years, with a focus on digital video and measurement across a variety of tech start-ups and large digital video publishers. 

While at Samsung Ads in New York, he helped establish the sales and monetisation foundation and most recently was responsible for EU revenue for the FAST CTV offering. 

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