
Adwanted UK partners with homeless charity The Connection

Adwanted UK partners with homeless charity The Connection
L-R: Julie Wheals, Adwanted Group chief people officer, and Ed Mason, Adwanted UK’s OOH client lead serving food at The Connection at St Martin's.

Only five sleeps till Christmas. For many people those sleeps will take place, not in a warm comfortable bed, but out on the streets.

According to the charity, Shelter, at least 309,000 people in the UK are currently homeless and in London a staggering 1 in 51 people are without a home.

Here at Adwanted UK, we wanted to do what we can to combat homelessness and partnered with The Connection who provide a whole range of support for the homeless in London.

Their mission to “support people sleeping rough to find a way off London’s streets”, resonated strongly with Adwanted UK and we immediately got to work to help their efforts.

We invited The Connection to come and fundraise at our events and our staff have also been doing their bit through volunteering for the Catering Service. Collectively we have given 100 hours to help serve food to the homeless, a very rewarding way to make a difference.

Pictured serving food at The Connection is Ed Mason, Adwanted UK’s OOH client lead, alongside Julie Wheals, Adwanted Group chief people officer.

Speaking about his volunteering experience, Ed Mason said: “I found my volunteering at The Connection both rewarding and inspiring. I was unaware of the organisation before I volunteered but soon found out what an invaluable service it is they provide.

“The standard of the food, quality of service, and friendliness of staff stood out for me, they really do provide a safe, ‘full-service’ haven for clients. I thoroughly enjoyed my volunteering sessions and would certainly do more were the opportunity to present itself.”

We want do more to help The Connection with their efforts at a time when many of us feel blessed to be able to enjoy the Christmas festivities. On 20 December, we’re having a Christmas fundraiser where staff can donate towards the charity while celebrating with colleagues and any donations will be matched by Adwanted UK.

If you would like to learn more about The Connection’s great work or get involved, please visit their website.

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